
My work The Movement Library will be on view during the All-man’s-land exhibition, organized by TAC. More information
NUL ZES, Gasfabriek 3A, Eindhoven
31 augustus, 1 september & 7, 8 september. Saturday and sunday from 14.00 – 19.00h.



Currently, I’m staying at the Arts Initiative Tokyo (a.i.t) residency. I will be working for about three months in Tokyo, Japan. 



My work Compositions of Transformations #2 will be on display during the Longlist exhibithion. From 28-09-2023 untill 5-11-2023 at Expo Bart, NYMA, Waalplein 6, 6541 AX Nijmegen. 



I got selected to participate in the arts initiative Tokyo (AIT) program at the beginning of 2024.

At my residency, I will research the themes ‘organization and visualization of movement’ in the broadest sense of the word. For example, the non-logical usage of sidewalks by cyclists and pedestrians, the organization of smoking zones, polite bowing to other people, the way of stacking parked cars, and much more. I want to collect these movements and rules and transform them into further choreography and works.

A warm thanks for the opportunity, ありがとございまし Mondriaan fonds & Arts Iniative Tokyo



The videoinstallation of my work What if There Isn’t Water to Perfom in? 
will be on display from november 4 until december 4 at Kunstpodium T, Noordstraat 105, Tilburg.



Welcome to my new website! ︎



My work What if There Isn’t Water to Perfom in? will be on display during Art Rotterdam in Rotterdam from the 19th until the 22th of May, 2022.



My new work Compositions of Transformations will be on display during the This Art Fair in Amsterdam! From 25th until the 29th of August, 2021.  



I’m really happy to annouce: bought several works to add to their collection! Click here for more information. (Dutch)  



I’m feeling so honored and happy to announce: I have received the Werkbijdrage Jong Talent (the Stipendium for Emerging Artist) from Mondriaan fonds! 2020-2021.



I've been selected for the Inversie program! More info here (Dutch) Coming year I will work on my artist practice, with the help of (my mentor) Kunstpodium T.



I received the jury photography price by for the work Forming Figure.



My work Performing Collage will be published in de Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2020! (order it here)



My work Coalesce Series (Edition Installation & Edition Yellow, Blue and Green) will be part of a Exhibition at Galerie Pouloeuff.
The exhibition will take place from 07-04-2019 - 12-06-2019 at Turfpoortstraat 36a, 1411 EG, Naarden-Vesting.



I'm really happy to announce that I've been selected for the WKNDX program by Witte Rook!
I will be working at Stationslaan 111, 4816 BG Breda, from 30-09-2019 - 13-10-2019.
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